Intellectual property rights
All content comprising the website of the Hôtel du Bac hotel-restaurant, including downloadable documents, is covered by copyright, trademarks and patents. Any total or partial reproduction or representation of the website or any aspects of it is prohibited as is their alteration. The hotel declines all liability concerning the content of websites linked to the Hôtel du Bac website.
Privacy, personal data
Your personal data may be collected by the Hôtel du Bac hotel-restaurant.
The only recipient of this data is the Hôtel du Bac hotel-restaurant.
Pursuant to the French data protection act of 6 January 1978, you have a right to access, modify, rectify, delete and oppose the processing of your personal data and its use for prospection purposes.
Website owner
SAS Les Flots Bleus
16 rue du phare, 29120 SAINTE MARINE
Tel :
Fax :
RCS (Trade & Company register) Quimper
Siren no.: 432 030 955 00020
Publication manager
Anne Le Morvan
Website design and production